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Insight for the Journey

Push “Pause” Please! October 23, 2008

Filed under: Life Lessons — Deb @ 5:19 pm

In my spiritual journey, there have been moments I wanted to freeze frame and live within the pause. The picture was beautiful. And for that brief moment all felt right. God’s presence settled like the warmth of a down comforter on a brisk autumn morning. I didn’t want to move. I didn’t want to blink. I barely inhaled hoping my slowed breath would stall the passing of the moment. It was a precious time…a rare time…a highlight in the midst of routine.

When we have the privilege of experiencing the glory, power and overflowing love of Christ in such a tangible way, it is so tempting to rip the remote control out of God’s hand and push the “pause” button. We know as the story of our lives continues, it won’t always feel this wonderful and our hearts long to revel in this gift. Like Peter on the Mount of Transfiguration, we try to reason with God and say, It is good for us to be here. Let’s build some shelters and stay. Let’s live here. It’s safe. It’s secure. It’s exciting. It pleases me. (Mark 9)

But we know better. Something in us hesitantly cries out, identifying the selfishness in that kind of thinking. We know we can’t live on the mountaintops. God has called us to the valley of reality because that is where His lost children are.

God understands what He is calling us to do is difficult. Jesus, Himself, came down from the ultimate mountaintop of heaven to live with us. He’s familiar with the challenges we face in the valley of reality: the difficult relationships, demanding jobs, daunting responsibilities, mind-numbingly dull routine, complex problems, and heartaches. Yet He asks us to sacrifice, as He did. He calls us to come off the mountain and to seek and to save the lost (Luke 19:10). He wants to use us to lead them to the mountain that they don’t even know exists.

It’s time to give the remote back so God can push the “play” button of your life. Thoroughly enjoy the highlights in your spiritual journey. Christ orchestrated them for you. He’s the one who took you by the hand and led you up the mountain. He met you there. He overwhelmed you with His presence. He filled you up. But when the time on the mountain has ended, take a deep breath, say a prayer of thanks, and walk back down into your mission field knowing Christ is always with you, holding your hand.


2 Responses to “Push “Pause” Please!”

  1. Faith Says:

    Well, this was certainly timely for me.
    I was just thinking in church yesterday how I miss the days of when I felt like I was on the mountaintop (spiritiually). This is a great reminder that yeah….life happens. He is still in control when we are unsure of what’s next. Thanks for this! Blessings to you,

  2. Deb Says:

    Hi Faith,
    If we are honest…most of life is spent in the valleys. Maybe that’s okay. I seem to grow better there. Without a clear view, trust must be exercised as you said. In hind’s sight, that is always good. But I sure do appreciate the mountaintops! Deb

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